Outline of Exchange Program

To cultivate professionals who contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by comprehensively understanding global issues such as energy problems and climate change from a worldwide perspective and connecting them to solutions, we offer 16 systematic programs ranging from beginner to advanced levels. These programs combine remote lectures (including hybrid formats) with on-site English training to ensure quality.

The profile of professionals cultivated through this initiative

  1. Professionals who are capable of effectively collaborating with others from diverse cultures and value systems to achieve a sustainable society, accurately recognizing global challenges and creatively addressing them through problem-solving efforts.
  2. Professionals who, under a global perspective, leverage advanced English proficiency and strategic thinking to conduct internationally accepted problem-solving initiatives, while also being capable of disseminating ideas from Japan to the world.
  3. Individuals who are young researchers possessing international competitiveness, as well as acting as bridges between overseas and Japan.

The characteristics of this initiative

  1. Fostering an understanding of different values and cultures, using the universally relatable theme of "food."
  2. Utilizing the metaverse to facilitate interactions and exchanges across time zones and distances.
  3. Offering collaborative programs allowing participation from multiple universities, including joint study programs and double degree programs.
  4. Generating a pool of global talent on a scale of 1000 individuals.

Guide to Virtual Kobe University

Welcome to the International Interdisciplinary Collaboration Program for Global Human Resource Development to solve global issues through "Food-related Science, Business and Culture"